Survive & Thrive: Build Your Resiliency Utility Belt

flyer for summer workshops

Check out our workshop leaders! Taking applications for Summer 2024: June 30, July 14, 21, 28 - apply below!

Week 1 - Managing Anxiety and School Stress - 6/30/24
Anxiety and stress are becoming increasingly more common among teens, especially related to school and the pandemic. This workshop will assist teens in identifying when they are stressed, how to address their stress, and how to set themselves up for success in the future. Parents will learn how to identify when their teens are stressed or anxious and how to help them cope with it.

Week 2 - Coping with Moods and Improving Self-Esteem - 7/14/24
One of the major struggles that many teens face is with feeling down and low self-esteem. This workshop will help teens identify the root causes of their self-esteem challenges and how to reframe their thinking to think more positively about themselves and squash negative internal self-talk. Parents will learn how to assist their teens in successfully reframing thoughts and building them up to focus on their strengths.

Week 3 - Navigating Social Media and Peer Pressure - 7/21/24
Social media is a very important part of many teens’ lives and this does not seem like it is going to change any time soon. Teens will learn in this workshop how to engage with social media in a safe and positive way and how to avoid peer pressure both on and off the internet. Parents will learn about these social media platforms and how to talk to their teens about them in a way to build their ability to keep themselves safe.

Week 4 - Building Healthy Friendships and Relationships - 7/28/24
A teen’s developmental task is all about building and maintaining friendships and relationships. This workshop will help teens identify positive and negative traits in relationships and how to make decisions to keep themselves happy and safe with the people they choose to spend their time with. Parents will learn how to model healthy relationships for their teens and how to help them build skills to build successful relationships.

Ready to hop in?  Apply here!  Classes are formed around applicant availability.  You will be emailed confirmation that you have matched with a group, then you will be directed to pay for your workshops. Your registration is not confirmed until application is approved and then payment is received.  Bundle all four workshops and save $50! 

Survive & Thrive Workshop registration

Please register for the workshops you would like to attend.  We will reach out to you with more information.  Your registration is not complete until payment has been received.  Please click the drop down menu below to choose your workshop quantity and pay once you have registered. 

Group matching questions

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Survive & Thrive Workshop registration

Click Submit to finish.

If you experience an error with the form, please go HERE to fill it out. 

Due to space limitations in the workshop, refunds are generally not available. However, if you need to cancel for unforeseeable circumstances, please contact [email protected].