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Application, position, and pay details are found here:






Psychological Associate: email [email protected]

page 1 Job Post for MH clinician

page 2 job post MH clinician

"What's it like to work at Greenhouse?" -

Testimonials from former employees and trainees:

"My time at Greenhouse was full of rich training opportunities and wonderful supervision. I really enjoyed learning more about children, teens, and adults on the Autism spectrum, and felt that my skills in working with this population grew exponentially while I was at Greenhouse. The weekly supervision and didactics provided me with a wealth of information that greatly enhanced my clinical work. I felt supported by my supervisors in trying new intervention techniques, and saw the work pay off with clients. The warmth that I experienced from my individual supervisor and training director was so appreciated, as I felt safe voicing concerns and trusting that they would be able to help me thrive and grow as a clinician. True to the Greenhouse mantra "for growing people", I truly felt as though I also grew in my clinical skills, in my professional development as an up and coming psychologist, and in my relationships as a result of my training year at Greenhouse."
- -Fuller Clinical Psychology Doctoral Intern

 ‘"I miss you all very much. I still say that Greenhouse was my best job ever."

--Former special education teacher and now licensed psychologist who started as a clinical practicum student and stayed through post-doctoral fellowship and licensure 

"As I progress through my clinical psychology internship, I gain a better awareness of how indebted to you I am for my professional development. Thank you for your investment into me as a professional, clinician, and person. I frequently think in terms of attachment, co-regulation, structuring capacities, building on strengths, extending and playing in creative engagements, and prizing the therapeutic relationship....I wish you all the best and thank you for investing into me. Warmest regards." 
--Rosemead School of Psychology 6th year student
"The last few weeks have been a time of reflection on my time in graduate school over the last 5 years, and more specifically, the people who have made my time meaningful and helped shape me into a therapist. Of course, you have been on my mind! As the longest-lasting supervisor I've had, I attribute much of my therapeutic development to you. Thank you for always considering my individual differences, for investing in a relationship with me (filled with patience, attunement, empathy, and appropriate challenge), and lastly, for your awareness of my ongoing development. I am, most definitely, a stronger therapist (and person) because of you.... Grace and peace."
--Fuller School of Psychology 5th year student
"I want to thank you for your enthusiastic support and encouragement in my professional development as a psychotherapist and Floortime Specialist. I was placed at clinical internship first choice, and am excited about beginning next year. Again, thank you. Blessings."
--Rosemead School of Psychology 5th year student

"Thank you for taking the chance on me as a Floortime Specialist, a clinician, a field supervisor, and training leader. There isn't enough space in this or any card to list all the ways I have grown and changed while working here and it might minimize the meaningfulness to try. So simply Thank you. I could not have become the person and professional I am without you. Blessings."
--Fuller School of Psychology 6th year student

We are a Greenhouse "for growing people!" Our therapists say they appreciate our team's support for their growth - not only as clinicians, but also as people!

We are seeking mental health providers in psychology, marriage/family therapy, clinical social work, and professional clinical counseling who:     - Share our commitment to equity, justice, and access to high-quality mental health care     - Approach therapy from a developmental, relational, and/or neurobiological perspective in order to treat the whole person     - Seek to work in a collaborative/team environment and are committed to continued growth as  therapists     - Demonstrate outstanding clinical effectiveness     - Demonstrate interpersonal skills of attunement, self-awareness, and self-regulation

The ideal candidate will: - Have experience providing specialized services in one or more of the following:       - Trauma-informed therapies (e.g., EMDR, havening, cognitive processing)     -  Child/adolescent therapy     - Art/Music/Movement/Somatic therapies     - Play therapy     - LGBTQIA+ affirming care     - Couples therapy, family therapy     - Therapy for neurodivergent clients (especially. DIR/Floortime-informed therapy)     - Clinical Supervision for Associate therapists     - Other areas of expertise and clinical focus - Have availability after school and weekends - Demonstrate outstanding administrative/organizational skills - Be able to provide both in-person and telehealth services -  Demonstrate passion and initiative for innovating new programs, outreaches, and approaches to serving our community & clientele

[As a private practice, we are not able to offer the pre-master's practicum for MFT, Social Work, or Clinical Counseling per BBS regulations)].