

title Peace, joy, meaning, creativity, and connection - for over 20 years, Greenhouse Therapy Center has been a place deeply rooted in the lifelong pursuit of personal growth. Our talented, multidisciplinary team of clinicians partner with clients of all ages to help them cope with the struggles they face while honoring each client's individual differences. We understand that each of us brings unique strengths and growing edges to treatment, and we offer a variety of services to cultivate your healing and growth, including individual and family psychotherapy, couples therapy, play therapy, art therapy, psychodiagnostic testing, individualized intensive trauma treatment, EMDR/Havening, occupational therapy, trauma-informed yoga, reflexology, and movement meditation in nature. Our team-based approach helps you to move past suffering and flourish faster.

title Here at Greenhouse, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all approaches to treatment. Rather, we think that people benefit most when health professionals around them seek to understand their needs and struggles from a nuanced perspective and offer treatment plans to match. We work carefully with each of our clients to understand their goals, challenges, cultures, and identities so that we can match them with the services and staff that can best facilitate their healing and self-discovery. Clients seeking healing from trauma and complex PTSD, for example, may participate in our individualized intensive treatment program for trauma, where they can collaborate with a team of treatment professionals to unpack and resolve traumatic experiences and memories in a variety of ways. Moreover, neurodiverse clients and their families can gain critical insights about the way their minds work from a psychological assessment while they work with our developmentally-informed therapists to develop crucial sensory integration and social-emotional skills. No matter the problem, we will work with you to find solutions that meet your needs and budget.

title Whereas some therapists focus solely on distress reduction as the primary treatment goal, we at Greenhouse believe that therapy should equip people with the insights and tools they need for ongoing growth even after they leave treatment. Research has shown that our approaches not only help people to recover from illness and distress, but also help them continue to grow and flourish after they leave therapy (see The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy by Jonathan Shedler). This means that the investment you make in treatment now has the potential to pay off even more in the future as you continue to apply all that you learned through your time at Greenhouse. Research also shows that people who attend therapy spend less, on average, on other healthcare costs, so by investing in your emotional well-being now, you may actually be saving yourself money in the long run! We invite you to schedule a consultation with us to learn how we can support and partner with you on your journey towards healing and growth.

Taking applications now for our newest version of Survive and Thrive workshop for 7-9th graders and their parents/caregivers! Click the image below to go to the application page:


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